Installing SecuPress for the first time, what do I need to do?

You are installing SecuPress Free or Pro for the first time and don't know where to start to protect your website?

SecuPress takes care of you from the moment you install it, automating your initial settings. Activating the SecuPress plugin first prompts you to scan your entire site.

Scan the website

On the installed plugins page first message: “SecuPress is activated, let's improve the security of your website!”

In SecuPress administration, another type of display invites you to scan your website.

After this first scan, you'll get a score and the various points to be improved per module, so you can take a closer look to see what SecuPress can do for you.


You can make your settings manually from here, displaying the various points to be improved by module, by clicking on “Go to Module settings”.

But if this is your first experience of the settings available, we recommend you use the automatic fix. To launch an automated correction of the points raised, click on the “Next Step” button.

Depending on whether you're using the free or pro version, certain settings may or may not be made automatically.

Exemple in Free version

Each fix to be implemented is proposed to you, and you can either validate or ignore them. If the fix is only possible in the pro version, you'll see this type of display.

Others are available from the Free version

In this case, you can “ignore” or “correct” in free or pro mode, each time moving on to another point of the fix to be implemented.

New score after correction

You can also choose to “Ignore all and move on to the next step”, which will then give you your new score.

Refine your settings

Once these initial SecuPress recommended settings are in place, each module has specific settings via options you can choose to reinforce and personalize your site's security.