How to uninstall SecuPress?

SecuPress can be uninstalled from the plugins page in WordPress administration, or manually via FTP and the database management interface.

As with any major change you may make to your installation, we recommend that you create a full backup of your website before uninstalling SecuPress.

Uninstall from WordPress dashboard

You can uninstall SecuPress completely from the plugins page. This is the simplest method. SecuPress will clean up automatically, deleting its files/folders, modifications (in htaccess or wp-config.php files) and database additions.

  1. Go to the plugins page on your site in your dashboard.
  2. Locate SecuPress.
  3. If the plugin is activated, click on “Deactivate”. A plugin must be deactivated before it can be uninstalled.
  4. Once the plugin has been deactivated, a “Remove” link will appear under the plugin's name. Click on “Remove”.
  5. Confirm deletion when prompted. The plugin and its associated files will then be removed from your site.

If you were using SecuPress Pro, you can export your settings before uninstalling it, so that you can import them into another website, or use them as a backup.

Depending on server permissions, files added as mu-plugins may remain in place, so you'll need to manually intervene in FTP to remove them. (See below uninstall manually)

If you had used the option for security keys, they are no longer included in the wp-config.php file. They will be generated automatically by WordPress in the database, but you can choose to set them manually in your wp-config.php file using the url

Uninstall manually

Manually deleting SecuPress from the plugins folder in /wp-content/plugins/ via FTP is not sufficient for a complete uninstall. You'll need to manually remove other information from the files and database.

Only do this if you're comfortable with it.

⚠️ Manual actions via FTP, and your database management interface (PHPMyAdmin, Adminer ...) cannot be undone. If you make an unwanted change, you can always go back and reinstall your backup.

Via FTP:

  • Folders to delete:
    • Delete all backup folders if you used this option (files and database) their name starts with “secupress” in /wp-content/backups/secupress-xxxx
  • Files to delete:
    • /wp-content/mu-plugins/_secupress_salt_keys_xxxxx.php
    • /wp-content/mu-plugins/_secupress_cookiehash_xxxxx.php
  • Files to edit:
    • wp-config.php and .htaccess files (the one at the root of your WordPress instance): delete everything between # BEGIN SecuPress xxx and # END SecuPress

In your WordPress Dashboard:

  • Delete associated cron events:
    • To manage cron events, we advise you to use the WP Crontrol plugin, install and activate it.
    • go to the “Cron Events” tab
    • search for crons starting with “secupress” and delete them.

In the database management interface:

Access phpMyAdmin via your hosting provider's control panel, and use its search system.

  • Database tables to be deleted :
    • wp_secupress_geoips if you have used the GeoIP management option
  • Database tables to modify :
    • wp_options: Search for the word secupress in the option_name column and delete these rows.