I have been locked out by SecuPress because of a GeoIp restriction, how can I unlock?

If you have activated the GeoIP module and you can't no longer connect to your site because of this option, you can deactivate it temporarily.

To bypass this security, you will need a FTP access (this will legitimate your rights) to edit the wp-config.php file in order to add a constant you'll have to delete it after:
  • Add this line at the top of the file under <?php
    define( 'SECUPRESS_ALLOW_GEOIP_ACCESS', true );
  • Then, go back to your usual login page
  • Log in
  • Add your IP in white list (Logs and IPs module => Allowed IPs)
  • Update the GeoIP database (Firewall Module => Country Management)
  • Delete the line of code with the constant
