Apply write rights to files

You may need to change write rights to some of your file for SecuPress to work correctly.

For a file to be writable, its chmod must be set to 644.

Once done, you can rollback and set the old value.

Changing rights is quite easy, follow these few steps :

  • In your FTP software, select the file you want the rights to be changed
  • On Windows, Right-clic, select "Properties" in the menu. "Security" tab, at the bottom "Write".
  • On Mac, cmd+i, a small windows should pop directly on rights, at the bottom, "Write".
  • Depending on your FTP software, you'll have to check boxes, so check the "Write" ones, or you can now change the value, usually 4 numbers (may be 3).
  • If you need to set "0644" for example, just enter it, don't forget the first "0" if you have a 4 digits space, or just "644" with 3 digits.